Friday, June 30, 2006

Poznan and Wiselka

The ending of my grand trip will be described when I get to my own computer. I haven't forgotten about stories of India, Hong Kong and Taiwan. I will write about it at a later time. Since I got to Poland I have been running around my hometown, visiting places, theatres, movie festivals, antigue and craft fairs, etc. - June is a month in which a lot of cultural activities goes on so it was a good month for culture development. In the evenings I run with dogs to the nearby forests... and we get intoxicated with the air fragrant with pine and blooming grasses... I spent the last two weeks in Wiselka on the Baltic coast in my friend Michal's home. Wiselka is one of my very favourite places in the world. I spent time with friends who also visited Michal and we all enjoyed white sandy beaches, pine and birch forests, and campfires at night... And, for the first time in my life I can, without any restrictions such as lack of time or time difference, see all the football matches during the Football World Cup. I don't always follow soccer games and don't know all the changes and scores, but I love world cup games because it's nice to see the best of the best. I am not a fan of a particular team - I just like to see the game and be engulfed in it. My favorite, however, is the Brazilian team - they play with incredible finesse. Wiselka is a small village so it seems all the football fans gather at a tv in a pub made in a big tent and the atmosphere of watching the game is absolutely great.

I will be going to NY on 19 July. I have a free ticket to use to Mexico City so I will be going to NY instead of going to Mexico. I am so glad I will see you friends from NY soon!


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