Thursday, May 22, 2008


For some reason I got some energy I haven't experienced the past two semesters. I came out of hibernation, I think, or the Universe is giving me more Qi. On the physical plane I think it must be due to: liver and gallbladder cleanse I did before I left for Poland, good and organic Polish food I ate for three weeks, iodine and rest in Wiselka, and of course meeting with friends in Poland and friends in NY. I also started proscribing herbs to myself and I think they work for me. I feel good and I don't have any allergies (so far). I have spent the last three weeks very productively. I have been studying but also meeting a lot with friends and doing fun things. Last week I met with Patrycja, Gosia and Rashid in Central Park and then we went with Patrycja to see the exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art of paintings of Gustave Courbet, a French painter (1819-1977) and scandalist. Because of his "scandalous" life habits he had to even escape France and exile himself to live in Switzerland, where he died, poor soul. Some of his paintings where based on the pornography of yore which would not be considered pornography nowadays - you know: chubby ladies standing by bathtubs and the like. Patrycja and I very much liked his paintings, even "The Origin of the World" which was probably his most scandalous work but we though it was well done and quite true. From his paintings we have deducted that he had some Shen disturbances (mental instability) which he probably tried to muffle with alcohol, which contributed to his death in the end. Here's what he said:

"I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom; let me end my life free; when I am dead let this be said of me: 'He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any régime except the régime of liberty."

I guess I could say the same about myself. I am not yet fifty years old but everything else applies. I am not a "libertine" but liberty of though and self-expression is my understanding of libery. So in that sense I am a libertine. As to sanity I hope I can keep it as long as I live... and I hope Dr. San Si Miao's points can help me keep it.

I also met with Zohar and Kevin, my friends at PQ. We met with an idea of having tea and going to a yoga class afterwards. Karen joined us, then we bumped into two friends of Kevin's, then we walked some streets, we met another friend of Kevin's, then we walked a little more and eventually we met Elan, another friend at PQ. What a small village NY is! The yoga studio was on the second floor and we got there late and didn't want to interrupt. While going down the stairs we passed by a beauty salon on the first floor and Kevin contemplated getting a Brazilian bikini wax for a minute but then decided we could actually eat already so we went along a few more streets and found Polonia restaurant where we feasted on pierogi, potato pancakes and cheese and plum butter blintzes. We had a really great afternoon and evening that day. Zohar got married lately so she also was telling us how happy she is and how good married life is for her. I am really glad to see her so glowing. Last Sunday I also met with Gosia and Rashid at their still new apartment in Brooklyn. It was one of these wonderful leisurely day when you wake up, it's sunny but also drizzly, some mist and mystery in the air. You slowly get up, sit with a cup of tea in pajamas and contemplate life. You listen to the music and sit in the shower for a while. (Then you have to get out and get into the subway and get dirty again...) At Gosia and Rashid's we had some coffee and biscotti. We looked at property prices in Portugal and Spain on the internet, just for the fun of it. Gosia bought a piano and we played it, trying to remember what we have learned long time ago. It seems like "For Elise" is the thing that sticks to mind the best although I can't play anything from my mind - I never could anyways. I need the score with notes. Gosia will get some. Then we went to Coney Island, walked on the boardwalk toward Brighton Beach, "Little Russia by the Sea", and had dinner at a Russian restaurant which we like. It was heaven that day... One of these days that make my heart really warm... I also went with Patrycja and Daniel to a concert at Museum of Modern Art of music by Krzysztof Komeda composed for movies by Roman Polanski. The performers were Tomasz Stanko and his Quartet. It was a great concert and we met many friends there - it seemed like the Polish NY community interested in Polish cultural affairs wanted to be there.

So you see I have a lot of energy lately... I hope it can last until the end of the semester...
Anyone interested in the liver and gallbladder cleanse, please let me know and I will send it to you. Spring time is the best time for a cleanse (no starvation required).

And below I am attaching what I got from Maya, another Polish friend. To those who read in Polish I enclose it in Polish and to my English-speaking friends this is what it says: There is a foundation in Poland called "I have a dream", a Polish equivalent to "Make a wish foundation". It listens to dreams and wishes of terminally ill children and tries to make them come true. One of them Mateuszek Lang, who is eight years old, has the following dream: he would like to receive postcards from many people. So if you have some time to send him a postcard, please do. Here is the address:
Mateuszek Lang
Lang ul. Wiślana 37
70 - 885 Szczecin

If you go to website you can read about the foundation in English.

Witajcie Prośba! Wiecie czym zajmuje sie Fundacja Mam marzenie?
Spełnia marzenia dzieci śmiertelnie chorych. Jednym z marzycieli jest
Mateuszek Lang ze Szczecina. Wczoraj miał ósme urodziny, będą to
prawdopodobnie jego ostatnie urodziny. Jego marzeniem jest dostać pocztówki
od wielu ludzi. Jeśli macie chwilkę dosłownie czasu, kupcie pocztówkę,
napiszcie życzenia urodzinowe i wyślijcie mu. Was to będzie kosztowało
niewiele, a dla niego będzie znaczyć ogromnie dużo. Oto adres: Mateuszek
Lang ul. Wiślana 37 70 - 885 Szczecin Roześlijcie to do kogo się da i
ślijcie kartki ze wszystkich stron świata. Na razie załatwiliśmy kartki z
kilku europejskich krajów, ale wciąż można wiele osób poprosić, najwyżej
kartki sie chwilkę spóźnią. Wiadomość nie jest SPAMem. Inf o chorym
Mateuszku są na


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