Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Almost spring

Mom came and left already. The month passed slowly and quickly at the same time. I tried to show my mom NY and took her to some tourist places in Manhattan but I think she felt most comfortable in my neighborhood, in Queens, full of immigrants and looking cozy in comparison to other parts of NY. She wasn't very impressed with it and very glad to be going home to daily walks with the dogs in the forest. We spent a lot of time paying visits to various institutions. My mother is entitled to receive benefits from social security (after my father's death) but to be entitled and to actually receive it is two different things so we spent a lot of time at the immigration office, social security office, court houses, etc., trying to close my father's affairs here and take care of her affairs. The only institution which is a pleasant place to visit and where there are high manners, helpful atmosphere, and humane treatment is the Polish consulate. After my previous experience with the immigration office I thought there could be nothing worse but it turns out that the Supreme Court of the USA beats everything... The immigration office has actually much improved since I was there last time about five years ago. The building got remodeled and people who work there are actually quite nice. They are not very knowledgeable but at least they are nice. That's a huge improvement. At the court house they are not knowledgeable and quite ignorant actually. I went there several times and each time different documents were needed. Every time I had to see a different clerk and explain the whole situation all over again. When I say that my father died in Poland I see this puzzlement on the clerks' faces... I wait for some response... I "see" the neurons in their brains firing, going back and forth, straining, trying to remember where this state called Poland is... or maybe it's an island on the Pacific that just got annexed to the United States... When I see they are about to get a stroke - from all that straining - I explain where Poland is, that mysterious country inhabited by almost 40 million people. I wouldn't actually mind their being so ignorant - not everybody is born equal (which is the advertisement here but not the reality) and has access to education or education that is educating. The reason why I let them strain is that they are mean to petitioners and everybody who comes to that office is treated like garbage. So I asked Ganesh to put some obstacles on their path, so that they learn the basic law of karma which really just means that what goes around, comes around. The faster they learn that lesson the better for their souls and for all the next petitioners who will come after me to the court. A little respect on their part would make our lives much easier and more pleasant.

I have about 5 weeks of this semester left. Feeling happy about it. With all the information we are getting on extra channels (besides the main 12 channels I wrote a little about earlier) I begin to feel that my head is getting very full again and it feels I almost can't take much more or it will all become a mush. I don't know if I mentioned this before, I think I did, that I had this great pathology class with Adriano Borgna, an MD from Italy who now is also a practitioner of Chinese medicine and who also practices environmental medicine. I really like this approach. It basically consists of detoxifying the body of heavy metals and toxins, arranging healthy diet and overall healthy life style. And then applying some Western med. tests which may apply and acupuncture and herbs. The main concept is that if the body is nourished with good, organic or biodynamic food, free of toxins, oxygenated and rested, it will defend itself better and keep diseases at bay. Hugs are very important (at least twice a day according to Adriano). Here's his website: www.macrohealing.com. Check it out for the general guidelines. The worst, when it comes to diet, is margarine and hydrogenated oils, and artificial sweeteners (including sugarless gum which is packed with aspartame). Spring is coming so do spring cleaning, of house and garden but mostly of the body and mind. Clean your colon and digestive tract, your nose and sinuses, liver and gallbladder, and blood. Ask for herbs at your pharmacies, for detoxifying massages (every old medical tradition has them, a very good one is the Ayurvedic Panchakarma), neti pots for the nose, spend time outside close to nature and oxygen, and go for brisk walks in the sun. Do some meditation to clear the mind of impurities and you will be like new. I am planning to do all this myself, except the brisk walks in the sun will have to wait for April - I will be going to Poland for the break between semesters to rest and get some energy for the spring/summer semester. Good night everyone.


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