Thursday, April 28, 2005


Rosario turned out to be a very nice city. Very beautiful fin de sicle buildings, very nice parks, shopping centers, lots of cafes and cultural life seems to be booming. Che was born in Rosario and his house still stands but there's an insurance company residing now in the building (I read in the guidebook) so I didn't go to look for it. I would go if there was a museum or something like that there. The scenery outside the windows of the bus during my trip from Cordoba to Rosario and then to Buenos Aires resembles that of central Poland: fields of grain, little villages and cities along the way, there are trees along the roads leading to houses in the villages. There are evergreens and "leafy" trees. The only difference is the abundance of palm trees. I enjoyed the day but in general my experience in terms of people was not a very good one - taxi drivers try to cheat big time (they tell me the price in pesos and than claim they said it in dollars!), hotels want to charge more than what the guidebook says they should charge, people don't give me the right change in stores - it's rather tiring and embarassing to have to constantly be on guard... And it didn't happen to me earlier on such scale so I think I will just quicky go through the rest of Argentina. Don't cry for me Argentina... maybe some other time.. I want to meet with a few people in Buenos Aires whom I met in Peru: girls I met at the Inca Trail, Miriam, Laura and Lorena, and Juan Manuel whom I met on Isla del Sol in Bolivia. And then I will just hop down south - maybe it will be nicer in Patagonia.


Blogger Unknown said...

I was in Rosario too! Didn´t you love it? It is a more classic version of Buenos Aires and fortunately very close, so you can go there for a weekend and learn all about the flag monument. When I travel argentina I also went to Cordoba, Mendoza and Misiones, all of them wonderful cities full of spectacular places to visit, what I loved the most was the food, yumm!!!!!!

October 4, 2010 at 4:56 PM  

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