Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Back from Nepali countryside

I have just returned from the village of Boughdeau at the foot of the Himalayas. I was invited to a Buddist wedding and was supposed to go for four days but stayed for almost two weeks. This is just a short note that I am back in Kathmandu so that those who worried that I was kiddnapped by the Maoists can sleep well tonight. Tomorrow I will write about the village and its people, and about the political situation in Nepal.

I opened my e-mail server and saw all the adds about last-minute shopping and had to think hard what shopping was! Just kidding. I totally forgot the hustle and bustle of the last days before Christmas in the Western world. In Boughdeau the only things one can buy is soap, matches, kerosene for lamps, dry instant noodles, milk tea, biscuits, buttons and white thread. Everything else is "organic": made or grown in Boughdeau. Even life in Kathmandu, the streets, cars, clothing in stores, etc. seems strange to me after the organicness of Boughdeau.

I will be back tomorrow with stories and Christmas wishes.


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