Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dzieci and Museum of Gold

I got an e-mail from Theatre Group Dzieci which is an invitation to their Feast of Fools and I want to send this to you because they are one of my favorite theater groups in NYC. If you have the time and want to be part of something outrageously great, please go. I suggest you sit in the Oblong of Peasants - they provide excellent abuse. Here's the invitation:

You are cordially invited to attendthe Sixth and FINALFEAST OF FOOLS benefit for Theatre Group DzieciFriday, April the First,in the year of Our Lord, 20057:00 until 10:00 in the eveningJan Hus Presbyterian Church351 East 74th Street(between First & Second Avenues)in the municipality of New York$250 Sphere of Royalty: Stage seating & worshipful adoration$100 Circle of Nobility: Banquet seating & incessant doting$50 Ring of Gentry: Table seating & deferential treatment$25 Oblong of Peasants: Floor seating & constant abuseFood, drink, music, food, idiot sports,Auction of Holy Relics, & food!***Please RSVP by March 21st***Call 718 638 6037 or reply to this e-mail. is currently raising funds to particpate in the InternationalGathering of the Heart of the Healer Foundation in September 2005.Follow this link for more details:,Dzieci

I woke up rather tired and a little burned by the sun so I decided just to stay in town and go to the Museum of Gold today. Tomorrow I will venutre out of the town to one of the places Rosana recommended. I went with Rosana's brother Willy to see Barranco at night and it was very nice and lively. We walked to the place where before I went with Consuelo - the tip of the cliff from which there's a beautiful panorama of the ocean, beaches and the waves coming to the shore can be heard. We walked around the town and got home about 2 am.

I have to add a few words about Rosana's mom. I so enjoyed the day with her because she is a very gentle and compassionate person. Walking on the beach we met many people who were selling various things. They are the people who come from the poor parts of the city and are trying to make a living any way possible. Consuelo told them we couldn't buy what they were selling but talked to them and the respect she showed to all these people is something they very much appreciate. What makes this city so special is the respect people have for each other. And also that they are not afraid of showing their emotions. I missed seeing this during the past seven years... Young couples walk embraced and when they kiss on the streets and in the parks older people look at them gently, happy for their love. Grandpas and grandmas are held by their hands by their children and grandchildren. I am very much enjoying all the architecture, beaches, churches and museums but what I most like in Lima is this atmosphere of kindness, love, and mutual respect.


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