Thursday, January 20, 2005

Before I set out/Przed podroza

Dear Friends,

I decided it would be good to keep some kind of a journal and I think it will be easier for me to do this on the computer since I am so used to typing. I am going to try to write about my experiences in Guatemala and maybe whatever comes to my mind... I'll see how it goes. My friend Michal who travels extensively six months out of every year has been sending me short notes while being on the road and then longer ones based on his pen and paper journal and it is really nice, and very informative, to read them, hence my idea about the blogg. So, via the blogg you will know where I am and how things are, I will share my experiences and ideas with you and write about the daily life so maybe you will be tempted to visit me wherever I am at the moment - I sincerely hope you will. For the benefit of friends who speak Polish only, parts of the blogg will be in Polish and for the benefit of those who speak only English, parts will be in English. That is fair, no? Please keep in touch.

Maggie alias Malgosia has nicknamed me Podrozniczka i.e. the traveler so I used it for the blogg. (For those of you who don't know the "Asia" version of my name: it's the version closest to my heart so I am going to use it from now on - Joanna is used in the US only. It's not pronounced in English the way the continent is but that won't matter here, on the blogg, anyway.)



Postanowilam zalozyc jakis dziennik z podrozy i mysle ze najlepszy bedzie taki komputerowy bo odzwyczailam sie od pisania na papierze... Postaram sie opisywac wrazenia z Gwatemalii i w o ogole co mi przyjdzie do glowy... Moj przyjaciel Michal, ktory podrozuje przez szesc miesiecy w roku, wysyla mi takie krotke notki i potem tez dluzsze na podstawie dziennika "papierowego" i bardzo fajnie mi sie te jego notki czyta (i zawieraja tez wiele roznych przydatnych informacji). Tak wiec zrodzil sie moj pomysl bloggera. Przy pomocy bloggera bedziecie wiedzieli gdzie jestem i jak wszystko wyglada i moze skusicie sie na odwiedzenie mnie w jakims ciekawym zakatku - mam taka wielka nadzieje. Czasami pamietnik bede pisala po polsku a czasami po angielsku, chyba to bedzie dobre rozwiazanie dla tych osobek ktore mowia tylko po polsku albo tylko po angielsku (chyba sie inaczej nie da). Badzcie w kontakcie.

Podrozniczka nazwala mnie Maggie zwana rowniez Malgosia i tak sobe zatem umiescilam na gorze...


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